They’re purchasing influence over the POTUS. The event itself doesn’t matter to them or Trump; it’s just one many pathways to get their bribe into his pockets.
Completely legal, cuz our laws are made by folks who are also for sale.
After eating Thai and Mexican back to back, I do recall a snip in the new testament decrying his asshole as the gateway to hell. Never heard about him speaking poorly of tits.
My money’s on he was a boobs guy.
Naw our brains do that shit all the time - you don’t hear someone quite right, and instead of recognizing that you didn’t get the info, your noggin just fills in the blanks on its own. She very well may have clearly heard “Let’s go Brandon!”
Perception is reality.
Maybe he just had a weird fetish?
I think what he meant was we need positive change. Burning our own country down is definitely change, but… well, I guess it’s what the (fucking traitorous) voters wanted, so… buckle up.
Pretty much everything I was told about employment when I entered the work force (2005ish). New workers seem to have wised up a bit, seeing us go through the hoops with nothing to show for it, but all the absolute bullshit about hard work paying off, take care of your employer and your employer will take care of you, etc.
…and it’s hard to shake off that programming when you hear it your entire childhood from older folks who apparently actually did benefit from that advice.
Hearing Gen Z’ers and such say things like “act your wage” or complain about the rug being pulled out from under them without needing to stand on it for 20 years first is fucking awesome! The younger workers aren’t just bending over and taking it in the hopes things will get better someday like we did. Gen Z is going to go down as a major contributor to workers’ rights.
100%, but eating food when you’re already full is still wasting it, it’s just doing so in a way that’s damaging to your health; and no part of that is helping starving children in Africa, so that whole line is a pretty good showcase of an asinine kneejerk non-solution to multiple problems. Same energy as “gO to pErU” in response to a complaint about an unrelated problem somewhere better off than Peru.
OP didn’t ask about appreciating what they have. And silencing criticism of bad by contrasting it against worse is never helpful.
That’s some “fiNiSh yOur pLaTe bEcaUsE kiDs aRe sTaRviNg in aFriCa!!1!” shit.
Insurers fuck cops over too. While I doubt it’s an act of solidarity with the rest of us peasants, it could actually be an enemy-of-my-enemy situation where cops find themselves hating UHC as much as the rest of us.
How crazy would it be if the next Luigi is a cop?!
Didn’t it already tell some teen to kill themself recently? It fits right in with the worst of the internet.
Kinda depends on the context of the word theory. In non-scientific settings you’ll hear people say “I have a theory…” as in they have an idea or speculation.
In a scientific context, a ‘theory’ is a pretty high standard that’s almost interchangeable with a ‘fact’.
Tbh, it might actually be no one. For one, these are some of the most professional people on the planet - wildest deviations I can think was someone smuggling a sandwich on board, and one of them bringing a gorilla costume.
Two, a lot of being an astronaut is pretty undignified when it comes to waste management, and they can’t just take a shower, so I’d wager whatever sponge bath they’re able to pull off likely leaves a lot to be desired. So, not really prime sexy time.
And physically, sex in zero-g seems like one of those things that sounds fun on paper, but in practice would be a lot of work to the point of not being worth the effort.
…I do wonder what zero-g would do to gestation and development, especially over the course of multiple generations. Probably the kind of thing we should start with mice though - humans take too long.
Wouldn’t the hypothesis be first, then tested via experiment, then after a significant amount of peer review finally confirmed as a theory?
There was Antz… I don’t remember much from it, but iirc it was the same kind of theme?
The last movie I saw in theaters was Interstellar… just pulled up the release date, and holy shit, it’s been a solid decade.
…not really feeling the urge to change that either. All I remember theaters being is a sticky fucking mess where a bag of skittles and a drink will cost you like 5% of your net worth; from there you pack into these disgusting seats, invariably right behind some 6’11" 400lb dude in a fucking cowboy hat and, surrounded on all sides by people who have never heard of the concept of shutting the fuck up for 90 mins…
Already has in a sense, looking at the Blue Cross Blue Shield anesthesia rollback.
If that’s where it stops, maybe we’ll see a trend with deposing CEOs of malicious organizations.
Cut/tan/stain/stamp the rich!