If it were indistinguishable from other meat sources, and priced similarly (preferably less!), then of course. I expect it will take a very long time to get to that point, though.
If it were indistinguishable from other meat sources, and priced similarly (preferably less!), then of course. I expect it will take a very long time to get to that point, though.
The problem is that a lot of these startups don’t make money. The enshittification comes later, first stage is just burning through VC cash to establish market share.
Well most of them are also dead now, which may or may not be related.
Talk to your boss in private and say that political talk at the workplace makes you uncomfortable and you don’t think it’s appropriate.
To be charitable, it’s possible they mean the cat was caught with hands mid-jump, not caught on camera.
That’s a $650 ham btw.
To give me something to do on my phone during work hours since there’s no way I’m touching the official reddit client
Web 3 was crypto scams, we’re up to web 6 or 7 by now
The FOMO based businesses are preying on people with poor impulse control…which there are no shortage of in the nerd world.
Probably because if your business is based around profiting from American tourists, you’re probably going to need to know some English. It seems to me like when money is involved people tend to find a way to communicate what they need to regardless of what languages they share, though. And obviously this does not excuse rude tourists.
This is like a PBF comic
The real issue is that they only allow port forwarding on certain endpoints (and when I was still using them, none of the endpoints that supported port forwarding were in the US which is a headache)
Note that PIA has extremely limited options if you want to be connectable on private trackers
Do you think the best way to help homeless people is to give them money directly, or donate it to organizations that help them? Not sure if there’s a right answer.
Very accidental Renaissance
Right on, brother.
Whenever I see a cat named Pixel I wonder if the person has read The Cat Who Walks Through Walls.
The shredder.
Because most people don’t actually know any trans people, and find unfamiliar things to be weird and scary.
But also because terrible people have weaponized those feelings for personal political gain. Most people probably wouldn’t give a fuck, even if they found them weird, if talking heads weren’t stoking the flames of bigotry.
Judging by what my cat eats, paper and wires. The live current makes them spicy.