Yes. Here’s what it looks like for your example website on my end:
Yes. Here’s what it looks like for your example website on my end:
Doesn’t seem to be, but I’ve definitely seen polls on Mastodon, so there must already be some standard for the data structure.
In the early-to-mid 2010s Tumblr was mainly associated with “social justice” types of people, it seems to have become a lot less relevant at some point in the late 2010s.
“How to Clean Leather Sandals”
I don’t own leather sandals and am not sure I know anyone who does, so that is very unlikely any time soon.
I think you’ve just (perhaps independently) discovered the (in my mind very important) idea that moderation is different from censorship. I think the fediverse structure implements that distinction a lot better than most other platforms nowadays do.
nonexistent really
The trick is: drink as much water (by volume) as you’ve had alcoholic beverages before going to sleep.
This used to be like this in my hometown (in Europe). Then the city government placed free excrement bag dispensers in many places and did a public awareness campaign telling people to clean up after their dogs; this definitely had an effect, I hardly ever see dog poop anywhere anymore.
That’s not an act.
Charged, sure he can; convicted is a different story.
What acts exactly do you think meet those criteria?
(extra money in SimCity 4)
Now that so many things we use every day have computers in them, many causes of death are related to computers.
Many modern cars (especially electric cars) are basically computers that drive; cars kill many people. The same applies to planes. Software bugs in medical software might cause you to receive improper care, which could kill you. Computers might control a lock which might lock you in a room until you die of dehydration or starvation.
The instance you are imagining will inevitably be inundated with the output of spambots. You don’t want a completely unmoderated instance because it will just not be an enjoyable place (even for you! even for people who have no problem with getting exposed to “hate speech”!) to hang out on.
I think defederates from very little, that is the closest I know of, but I see that that’s already where you are, so I can’t help you much more than that.
Here’s a good introduction into the theory behind criminal punishment, which prisons are a form of:
Suggested reading:
KDE is a community of developers.
KDE Plasma is the desktop environment made by the KDE community.
This has been the correct terminology since 2009, much longer than “the past year or so”, but a lot of people do still call KDE Plasma just “KDE” colloquially, so maybe you have just been noticing people using the correct terminology more recently.
Me too. More than once on a language learning subreddit for my first language: “I asked ChatGPT whether this was correct grammar in German, it said no, but I read this counterexample”, then everyone correctly responded “why the fuck are you asking ChatGPT about this”.
I remember in the 2000s there was something on Mozilla’s own website that said something like “we do not support or endorse icons that say that a website is best viewed in Firefox; we believe the web is best viewed with any standards-conforming browser”. Not sure if that is still there somewhere. So that is a fairly authoritative answer as to “ethical”; in any case now that all widely-used web browser engines are FOSS, why would you want to push people to any of them?!
It would probably be possible by testing the software more extensively in Firefox.
People exceed the speed limit on highways, but usually not by a lot. If they exceed it by a lot, it is usually enforced, e.g. by speed cameras; but of course some people still sometimes get away with it, no enforcement of any law is perfect.
no idea where you’re from, but it’s true in many European countries too
probably, I remember something along those lines