This is quite unclear to me, the definition of global object seem to be “The global object provides variables and functions that are available anywhere”.

Now this surely means that the global variable environment contains variables available everywhere in the other scopes, but does this also mean that, for example, the window object is at the higher end of the scope chain? As in JS everything is an object, is this true for the prototype chain too? Because from my notes Object.prototype looks to be at the top of the prototype chain.

In fact if i do: Object.getPrototypeOf(window) i get WindowPrototype { … }

but if i do: Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.prototype) i get null

Another thing unclear to me is what is the difference between window (lowercase) and Window (uppercase)… I know that uppercases are usually used for constructors, is this the case too? Is Window a constructor and window an object? If so, what’s the purpuose of the Window constructor?

    1 year ago

    These are similar but distinct concepts. Most languages have a concept of (lexical) scope, which is how variables are resolved to their values. For instance,

    var a = 10;
    function foo() { return a; }

    Here, a is in the global scope and it’s referenced by the closure foo. Any changes made to a (so long as it isn’t shadowed) will also appear in the a that can be seen inside foo.

    JS is also what’s called a prototype-based language, so it has an additional more exotic concept called the “prototype chain”. This is how it implements something approximating OOP inheritance - essentially, if I request obj.x, JS will first check if obj has the x property, and if it doesn’t find it, it follows the __proto__ (note: nonstandard) value to get the prototype of that object and checks there. If that prototype doesn’t have x, the process continues until it reaches the end of the chain.

    The JS global object (also called window in the browser - which has a reference to itself called window) is part of lexical scoping, but not the prototype chain. The global object is the end of the scope chain, but the end of the prototype chain is Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.prototype) == null (note: we need to get the prototype of Object.prototype because Object is the constructor function, not the prototype)

    Window is the constructor of the window object, Object.getPrototypeOf(window) == Window.prototype and window.constructor == Window. It’s a weird quirk of Javascript, “classes” are actually the constructor, and when we prototype a new object it prototypes that function’s prototype property.