Here is my list:

  • pdf - pdfkt
  • images - imagemagickutilities
  • audio/video - ffmpeg
  • documents - libreoffice --headless mode, also pandoc
  • download files - wget and curl, also ydlp for youtube, reddit
  • cloud storage - rclone
  • sapient [they/them]
    1 year ago

    I use:

    • qpdf for mucking around with pdfs, reordering, selecting pages, combining them, etc.
    • ffmpeg for video and audio sicing and transcoding. Usually encompassing a command in a script because I forget the precise params every time ;p
    • nvim for anything like Markdown (which can be converted to other things like LaTeX or pdf or html, sometimes in multiple stages)
    • imagemagick for simple image conversion stuff.
    • wget for downloads ^.^
    • youtube-dl or yt-dlp for grabbing youtube stuff.