• Dr. Dabbles@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Sure got sensitive. I’m over here wondering why you were making excuses for the reporter in post after post, and you’re over there complaining about “tribalism” and downvotes. In a post about a guy calling for death to political opponents. Then you came back with the classic “two sides” argument, which is when I think you knew you’d just resigned yourself to this.

    You talk about me not having a discussion in good faith, I think if you go back and read my comments to you, you’ll see I asked pretty simple questions and tried to figure out why you’re so desperate to die on the “maybe he didn’t hear right” hill when he demonstrably did. And so did everybody else but you. I’ not looking for a gotcha or anything else, I’m trying to figure out why that one particular thing has you twisted in knots when it’s so incredibly clear that the reporter heard, understood, and agreed with what the interviewee said. It’s just weird thing for you to still be defending when there’s so much evidence that this guy didn’t make a mistake. He only apologized because he got caught.

    Anyway. I see your feelings are raw over this. So. Bye.