Anyone else feel bad after criticizing religion or conservatives? I think I am just feeling empathetic towards religious people and conservatives. Sometimes people just don’t know any better, or they have too much to unlearn to reconcile their differences with other people. I genuinely want to understand someone else’s perspective, but I don’t think anyone else has the right to impinge on someone else’s rights, especially not based on their cultures world origin mythology. It can be very frustrating. Sorry for unloading, been reading too much news and pol 😭 Pic unrelated

    2 months ago

    nah this is hella good. we cannot forget that the people we are arguing with are also people. we still need to argue with them and fight against them when they try to take our rights but the whole time we still gotta remember they are people just like us. and that’s gonna make us feel like shit about it sometimes when we’re getting pissed at other people, especially when they’re our community members, but that’s just a reminder that we have empathy and that we are able to care about our fellow man.

    I remember at some point hearing a therapist say something along the lines of “I’ve been in hundreds of rough situations. I’ve seen hundreds of cases of abuse and trauma, and the day I start feeling numb towards them is the day I stop being a good therapist.” that’s hella paraphrased of course but I think it gets the point across that sometimes you gotta feel like shit because that lets you know you’ve still got a conscience working in there somewhere.

    expanding a bit on this point, one thing we have to remember is that these people do not go away if we get our way. these people still need to be accounted for in whatever new world we want to make, and if you want the same world as I do, where everyone is treated with respect and cared for, then you also gotta be ready to treat these people with respect and care for them. That doesn’t mean you gotta tolerate them when they’re being an intolerant shithead but it does mean that the whole time you’re throwing their shitty ideas out the door you’re still treating them like a human being. remember that dehumanization is nazi shit and we wanna stay far away from that.

    I guess I also got a little rambley here but fuck it the internet is for letting your thoughts out whether anyone’s gonna read them or not so I say let it flow