November 6, 2024, marks the end of the 20th anniversary year for the Inkscape project, and the beginning of a new decade of adventure. There were a few milestones this past year, among them an informal global celebration, a bug-fix program, an About Screen Contest, an Inkscape Summit, a summer of code, and the launch of version 1.4.
Here’s a brief look at some of those milestones.
I need to be able to edit photos, raw files, lossless options, with layers, and a wide selection of touch up tools that can be content aware.
Photoshop is perfect, but I’m not paying for a subscription to a product that I realistically don’t need updates for.
I’d be totally fine using my old copy of photoshop CS if it would run anymore.
Gimp just had a lot of odd UI choices.
I’d also have a look at Darktable.