Balcony solar panels can save 30% on a typical household’s electricity bill and, with vertical surface area in cities larger than roof space, the appeal is clear
I am a big grid fan too. The hope that HVDC ca,n mean longer time with solar on the grid, and more averaged wind power.
Smarter grid ties is definitely something that I would like to see as well, including battery usage.
The infrastructurea though isn’t just a potential reduction in wattage needed to be supported in the last mile, but not needing infrastructure at all dedicated to a power plant. Again pro renewables, solar, wind, hydro. Wind and hydro benefit from scale quite a bit, and I don’t think roof top solar alone will cover industrial power usage, so I expect we will have some grid scale plants, but in addition to microgeneration.
I am a big grid fan too. The hope that HVDC ca,n mean longer time with solar on the grid, and more averaged wind power.
Smarter grid ties is definitely something that I would like to see as well, including battery usage. The infrastructurea though isn’t just a potential reduction in wattage needed to be supported in the last mile, but not needing infrastructure at all dedicated to a power plant. Again pro renewables, solar, wind, hydro. Wind and hydro benefit from scale quite a bit, and I don’t think roof top solar alone will cover industrial power usage, so I expect we will have some grid scale plants, but in addition to microgeneration.