I want to start releasing my own music and have no interest in the corporate streaming platforms. I have only a basic conceptual understanding of torrenting but it seems to me like a nice way of sharing my music with people directly.
What do I need to do and consider in order to make a music release freely available in this way?
Currently my knowledge and experience is limited to using an application on my computer to search for and download files from others but I’m willing to learn.
Any advice or signposting much appreciated :)
On top of what everyone else has said you could always use soulseek as a way to get it out there
Thanks. How does Soulseek work?
It’s peer-to-peer like torrents, but on its own network. Use can share anything but it’s primarily used for music. You set a folder to share from and if someone looks up a file you have, they can download it from you.
What this dude said.
Great, thank you 👍