I have 2 fans on my GPU, and I can control the curve through CoolerControl on Linux. I’ve also looked at LACT which has GPU fan control, though a bit simpler. I kept the services separated, so I could test each without them interfering with each other, but I have to say, when I woke up today, that’s what I thought was the problem, but no, after some testing I can see that it’s just that my fans, perhaps due to firmware, just doesn’t spin up unless it’s above 45%.
I looked around to see if others were having issues, and this github issue says that Nvidia API caps it at 30%. Maybe it’s capped at 45% for me on linux for some reason? I’m not too fussed about it, I’ve just made a curve that kicks in around the time I need it to.
EDIT: I did see the fans try and kick in around 40%, that’s why there are those spikes on the histogram on the left, that’s me slowly increasing from 40% to 41%, to 42% etc. Was only stable at 45%.
Is there no fan speed hysteresis setting? On msi afterburner in windows I have like a 3 or 5 second hysteresis set, but my car has a HUGE heat sink that’s way overkill. On a smaller card I might do an even longer one.
As a noob on these things, I had to rummage around to find those settings, and yes, they do indeed exist.
I've changed it to 5 seconds, hopefully that'll calm things down a bit.
I greatly appreciate your comment, made me aware of what I could improve. I wouldn’t even have noticed those settings if I hadn’t looked up hysteresis, it’s not a word I think I’ve ever come across before heh.
I have 2 fans on my GPU, and I can control the curve through CoolerControl on Linux. I’ve also looked at LACT which has GPU fan control, though a bit simpler. I kept the services separated, so I could test each without them interfering with each other, but I have to say, when I woke up today, that’s what I thought was the problem, but no, after some testing I can see that it’s just that my fans, perhaps due to firmware, just doesn’t spin up unless it’s above 45%.
I looked around to see if others were having issues, and this github issue says that Nvidia API caps it at 30%. Maybe it’s capped at 45% for me on linux for some reason? I’m not too fussed about it, I’ve just made a curve that kicks in around the time I need it to.
EDIT: I did see the fans try and kick in around 40%, that’s why there are those spikes on the histogram on the left, that’s me slowly increasing from 40% to 41%, to 42% etc. Was only stable at 45%.
Is there no fan speed hysteresis setting? On msi afterburner in windows I have like a 3 or 5 second hysteresis set, but my car has a HUGE heat sink that’s way overkill. On a smaller card I might do an even longer one.
As a noob on these things, I had to rummage around to find those settings, and yes, they do indeed exist.
I've changed it to 5 seconds, hopefully that'll calm things down a bit.
I greatly appreciate your comment, made me aware of what I could improve. I wouldn’t even have noticed those settings if I hadn’t looked up hysteresis, it’s not a word I think I’ve ever come across before heh.