I often make late-night walks down the street to the convenience store. Due to my work/sleep schedule, I can pretty much only do this late at night.

Unfortunately, this seems to be the same time that the local skunks begin prowling around the undeveloped lot between my home and the convenience store. Luckily, they’ve not yet gotten close enough to be a threat, but I always worry that one night I won’t be so lucky, and I’ll accidentally sneak up on one and spook it into spraying me.

I’ve looked online, and most of the articles I can find on the subject are about how to keep skunks from occupying your property in the first place. Which is great, but I don’t own the property they’re hanging out in, so I can’t do much about that. I couldn’t find many articles about skunk encounters that offer much advise beyond “stay away, dummy”. Which I obviously plan to do, but life doesn’t always go according to plan.

I live in the city, so it’s actually kinda weird that there are skunks this close to a populated area. The city life has prevented me from having a lot of experiences with skunks, and honestly I want to keep it that way. But does anybody have any advice on how to help ensure that skunks stay away while walking?

  • DrainKikoLake@lemmy.ca
    2 days ago

    Skunks are common city animals, so it’s a little more surprising to me that you haven’t encountered then before. But for the most part they’re pretty chill little guys, and forage widely – so seeing one in your yard doesn’t mean they’ve taken up residence. They eat grubs mostly (which is great for lawns and gardens).

    As others have said, as long as you’re not getting up in their faces, you shouldn’t have any problems.