I’m pretty sure this was true before this guy said it
I’m pretty sure this was true before this guy said it
Yes. I’m sorry, not yes, I meant the other one, no.
American/Euro Truck simulator are always on sale, and are rad
That junkie looks like he’s in pretty good shape
I mean I could tell it was some kind of near before I clicked
When I was fast scrolling I thought this was poop
After all the Lego games that came out, the original Star Wars ones (1-3; complete saga) are still the best in my eyes
I’ve heard that if you order a “Coke” in the area that says “Coke”, they’ll just give you a random soda and you have to drink it no matter what it is. That just seems plain wrong to me.
How do you pay attention to it when TVs no longer list it?
Do we even need to pay attention to stuff like black level or color range anymore? I remember that being a big deal when HDTVs were newer, but now you can’t even find that information about new TVs.
How would language have ever come about then?
Names are words. And make up one for the pooping and peeing thing. Something like peeooping, only more proactive.
I hate 4 Chan but I love King Crimson
I didn’t know “single planet” is a genre now
It’s all about The Game and how you play it
The thing that bothers me the most about this meme format is apparently, one of the things people want most is to have to constantly have your head turned to watch tv
No, it’s named after the cereal