This thread has been reported to us. I’ve temporarily made the decision to keep it (other mods; feel free to override). While the question could have been phrased a hell of a lot better (“what are your favourite bands that people don’t get the real meaning of?”), its a valid question and doesn’t quite fall into the “offensive” rule.
Community: please stay civil. The fact that a song can be political does not mean it is worth debating if it’s politics are correct. If discussion significantly devolves into personal attacks, bans will be issued regardless of partisanship.
I must confess that you’re the first person to tell that to me — English class was always a disaster! The only thing I can point to is practice: I have a blog here that I write at regularly. The other component might be luck? They say that a broken clock is right twice a day and I’m inclined to agree.
In any case, thank you!