Thats fair. A na miata is basically my dream car, I hope to someday daily one in spite of being from the 90s 😅
Hello, my name is Cris. :)
I like being nice to people on the internet and looking at cool art stuff
Thats fair. A na miata is basically my dream car, I hope to someday daily one in spite of being from the 90s 😅
I mean, a lot of cars have a genuinely phenomenal life span, if you don’t mind getting something that isn’t shiny and new you can probably get like a 2012 Toyota or Honda and drive it till the wheels fall off. My dream car is from the 90s and people still generally regard them as fairly reliable
Eventually it’ll be an issue, but that does leave a lot of time for nerds and hackers to find a way to gut networking stuff while telling the car it’s still intact. Dunno if we’ll ever see an open source car OS compatible with the systems in major manufacturer’s vehicles, but privacy workarounds feel like they could be pretty realistic
Ah gotcha, I wasnt familiar with them so I figured that might just be op
Thanks for the link!
Awww, thats genuinely really lovely, I’m so pleased to hear it’s gone really well for them
I fucking love this image, is this your art? The color choices are really fun
God damn, that’s a REALLY good optical illusion 😅
Gotcha. Yeah I choose to use Mastodon, I’d much rather support the open community built option than the option built by a company with a profit motive, I just try to stay in the loop about stuff
Thanks for the answer :)
Did something specific already happen with Bluesky, or are people just expecting it because VC vultures now have their claws in it?
Huh, learned something today, thanks for the explanation
Windows really do be like that
Not a phrase I could have expected to hear today, but here I am 😅. Milf inflation.
I really love something about the color of the bridge, the framing, and that typeface.
Thats a great photograph
Thank you, that was fucking awesome
Thats fair. I’d guess it probably helps get people to contribute, since it’s a community-run kinda thing
Thanks for the links!
Gotcha. I understand why they chose to do it that way, but I do kinda wish it was possible to just follow someone
Thank you very much for the link/explanation!
I was really surprised how much I liked some of the stuff that came on, there were some seriously cool tracks that played and I had a great time jamming out to it
Thanks for sharing links for folks to contribute!
The three music radio stations have been, but the words channel has not yet.
I’ll probably go take another look at adding it at some point but it seemed like a pain on mobile
Thats honestly fuckin dope. I use google home automation for helping manage a medical condition and at some point I really wanna switch to home assistant
I am hoping for better things and healthier relationships in your future