Isn’t the point of the FP to be able to change parts easily?
Isn’t the point of the FP to be able to change parts easily?
This fat fuck is so adorable, I don’t understand it.
Ty for the link. I always thought this meme had a nice ring to it. Dunno why
Where does this originate from? I’ve seen a couple variations of it but have no idea where it came from
I don’t get it tbh. Content still has to be hosted somewhere right? Even if it’s a big “decentralized” network.
Took the words out of my mouth. Though having over 70% renewables by 2030 feels like a stretch to me. Certainly would be great but I have my doubts. Maybe only my inner pessimist speaking.
Fuck TS, all my homies on MSN Messenger
Only a matter of time before Discord does a Reddit.
“GPS attacks” shows picture of sonar
Exactly the same for shopping results. There’s a designated tab for that as well but often half of the first page tends to be a link to Amazon, ebay or promote a product
Fairphone or probably something else along those lines. Having the ability to hot swap broken parts or sinply upgrade is a pretty bug pro.
Kilo translates to thousand. Mega to a million. So in you example, kilometer fits perfectly. Megameter would be a million meters, or a thousand kilometers which is annoying to say on the scale we humans use on a day to day basis. And if it comes to space, megameters are way too little.
Not available on connect you can only choose undetermined afaik
Could whistle normally as long as I can remember. Tried forever to learn the two finger loud whistles as a kid and never could make a sound but still tried. I still recall when I was around 13 yo reading Goosebumps and randomly did the gesture when suddenly I made the first successfull attempt. I literally turned to the mirror on the side becuase of the surprise and had that Shaq face on Hot Ones. After practicing for a while I discovered that, while you can whistle EXTREMELY loudly this way, you legit hurt your own eardrums the most. Basically kamikaze whistling. I don’t use it that often because of it.
The third way of whsitling is by blowing through your palms which makes that owl-like howl. You can basically do the first part of the song in Once Upon a Time in the West this way.
Also, snapping your fingers in a very “snappy” loud and deep kinda way.
Feature rich? Probably. User friendly? Bro skipped doing a hot take and went straight to supernova.
Can buy mine for three bucks.