Blue hair blue tie hiding in your wifi moment
I switched to a somewhat custom keyboard and only use my pinkies for 1 key each during normal typing. It’s probably not an issue for most people, but for me the pinkies were the most affected by repetitive strain before i switched.
So how long have you been in the trolley stopping business?
You’re thinking too hard, i was just making a penis joke lmao
Actually that banana’s kinda big
The matrix is a trans allegory and based is from lil B, aka BasedGod
For those that want to know what it is, but dont want to risk searching:
North American Man/Boy Love Association
Fucked up organization, but not really all that scary to search
Its for him
No one, then being dead is enough
Exurb1a is a rapist
Oh shit it me
I hadnt checked the community info in a while lol
But seriously its a dumb rule. The only rule this community should have is The Rule
They posted, what other rule is there