Thanks! It is! We stopped buying her official cat toys. She has no interest in those whatsoever The ribbons of presents and flowers however, are her favorite toys
Ohh your poor kitty ;) Luckily our girl is a little less demanding. She still visits her only shoe box every day. Her 5 paper bags however lie sad and abandoned in a corner
Luckily, it looks worse than it is. Although she still has 350grams (0.8lbs) of weight to lose (she lost already nearly twice that weight) , it still doesn’t help that she is crosswise in her box
Maybe just ask what she needs of you right now to help her grieve. Everyone is different after all and thus grieves differently. For example: we lost our elderly dog earlier this year. What helped me was going through all the pictures I had of her and make a reel (while crying my eyes out). My husband however started to build a bookcase.
That’s still the case all over the EU since rules for driving licenses are more or less the same all over the EU. Even the licenses look the same except maybe some minor details
Love it! Our cat loves to lie on the serving trays on which we sort the pieces. Love the Wasgij puzzles (and Jan van Haasteren) btw
You can try Yoga Nidra. A form of yoga used to get deep relaxation. It is said that 45 minutes of Nidra equals a 3 hour peaceful sleep. You can find info al over internet. I found this website particularly useful. I use especially the bodyscan and breathing techniques to calm my mind and fall asleep again.