Well… do we all need to change our perfectly fine, advanced and fast pocket computer every year just to have always the latest -> IMO No.
Good for the environment that it’s a bad business year.
Well… do we all need to change our perfectly fine, advanced and fast pocket computer every year just to have always the latest -> IMO No.
Good for the environment that it’s a bad business year.
Unbelievable, Wang. Really reminded me of r/NominativeDeterminism
Don’t get me wrong, even thought I don’t pirate as much as I once did in my younger days I’m super appreciative of the work they do, free mostly if I understand it correctly. But some of the things they say on this nfos (mostly homophobic slurs and name calling) are super out of place, but at the end to each their own lol
So… no disrespect but, are all scenes/crackers really creepy and angry people then?
Yup, I saw this yesterday, now apparently for what I can see they are trying to minimize bandwidth downloads and mass sharing of files by the account having to give one by one authorization to everyone that wants to access a file
Thanks for that great great rabbit hole read (and some YT videos watch)
Came to say exactly the same, this rules should be standard good parenting practice.
Same, this big catchy over optimistic and click bait headlines make me automatically really suspicious of the claims. Great news if the second trial goes well
Absolutely loved season 1, literally slept through 2nd, why was it so bad?
House for me, homes/gifts for close family, maybe a nice laptop as well for work and gaming, stash the rest of it on a safe investment to live off the yield without worries.
Oof , those set managers screw up worse than the guys over there at Game of Thrones with the Starbucks cups
Civil Engineering, do a lot of things to keep me interested from design, construction, pm and administrative stuff depending on the phase of the project. And yeah, there is a lot of IT/Programming Guys in Reddit and Lemmy now.
Or VLC with it’s sub finder, never has it not work for me really, good luck
Nice, didn’t know about it and have added it to listen to on commute
Had a lot of fun with Elona (rougelike) a short time ago, didn’t know a game like that existed
Kept in check and rooted in your goals, it’s a map in life and it’s a motor that build momentum and thrustes you to achieving the things you want in your life… Uncontrolled and without an specific end/goal, it’s the thing that’s gonna turn your life upside down, get it totally unbalanced and will cost you all your quality relationships. So, a double-edged sword.
Because … You can say to tech illiterate investors: "hey look, look at all the activity that goes on in my site"with not much scrutiny and inflate those rookie numbers up.
There is no much incentive, in the capitalists sense, to deter spam or trolls, fear mongering and explosive comments, clickbait journalism, etc etc etc … for owners of any online outlet, it’s all in the service of ever growing traffic.
Hi! Just passing to say they added that feature two updates ago, and are adding more and more features, last update was huge and the devs seem like really taking input from users and collaborators to introduce new QoL changes. Maybe check it a little bit further down the road, I totally get what you mean in the suscribing part.
The future is … physically paywalled