A person with way too many hobbies, but I still continue to learn new things.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • That’s such a common thing these days that I have to wonder if humans have always had this issue, or if it has anything to do with our modern lifestyles. I was going to do a sleep study at one point, but when I took their questionnaire I checked off no on everything on their list. Then I found out my insurance wouldn’t even cover it, and couldn’t afford to do the study anyway. Ah well, if I ever get back to a point where I’m having trouble sleeping again then I’ll reconsider.

  • Another suggestion… have you considered if something in particular might be preventing you from getting good sleep? In my case, I’ve had restless-leg for quite awhile which was managed by doing some stretches before bed as needed. After a really car car accident, that went into overdrive, the stretches made no obvious difference and so I didn’t think that was an issue any more, but apparently I was tossing and turning all night. I’d sleep for 9+ hours and wake up a zombie.

    After years of this I finally talked to my doctor about it, we discussed a lot of things and I mentioned how I had previous had the problems with my leg pains at night. He decided to try treating this symptom and suddenly I started getting real sleep again. By now it has gotten so bad that if I forget to take my pills at night, my legs absolutely scream at me the moment I lay down in bed. Yeah I’ll be on this med the rest of my life, but I’m getting good sleep now and feeling energetic the day.

    The point is, your issue may be something you have already dismissed without realize fully how it affects you. When an unknown problem comes up, sometimes you just have to go back and reevaluate everything.

  • Unfortunately that’s not true. I’ve been running mail servers under my domain since around 2000, almost as long as Microsoft has been running Hotmail, and I was certainly following good standards like SPF and DKIM well before they considered such a thing… and yet Microsoft is the bane of my mail server’s existence. Despite no compromises resulting in spam blasts, MS still regularly shuts me out with no reason given and no hits showing on their monitors. If I can find their email address to ask what the problem is, I get a generic “your domain has been cleared” sort of reply but never any reason why they blocked me in the first place.

  • I think I missed something in your description, but what are you running on your local server? I think most people set up postfix to relay the emails over to gmail or whoever, and there are options in postfix for backwards compatibility with Outlook or even Microsoft Mail so your wife could use whatever client she wants. If you don’t have a local mail server set up then this is probably what you want to do. This method allow a local or remote connection from any client so you could run K9 on your phone instead of a VPN.

    For opening such a setup to the internet (and allowing access from anywhere), make sure you have strong passwords on your accounts, require SASL authentication, and set up fail2ban to block repeated attempts to hack your mailboxes. Don’t run anything else on the same server (or use virtual machines or strong containers) to reduce the chance of your mail server getting compromised other ways, and you should be good to go.