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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • It would be impossible to build today by any means. Not because of any technological problem. Physically it could be done rather quickly, as others have posited. The problem is that you could never combine the political and economic will to complete it.

    It’s the same reason it would be easier to colonize Mars than to fix climate change. There’s a half dozen robots on Mars that will do whatever you tell them. On Earth, there’s 7 billion assholes who think they have a better idea of what to do.

  • Financial stress. Go take a closer look at the crime stats that right wing racists like to hammer the black community with. Then adjust them for poverty rates in the community. All of a sudden the racial divide in violent crime goes away. If anything, poor white men are the most violent, but not by enough to really be significant. The driving factor, by around 10 or 15 to 1, is poverty.

    We’re seeing declining standards of living across the country, while technology hides the true depths of it. The whole, you can’t be poor if you have a wide screen TV and a refrigerator, is almost true. It’s just enough to make it look like having no bargaining power, being locked into your zip code, buried in debt, and renting everything you own, somehow represents wealth.