As opposed to not so funny and now deleted messages on Nude Africa?
As opposed to not so funny and now deleted messages on Nude Africa?
Umm…just because the 2006 conflict was a stalemate, I wouldn’t bet on Hezbollah stopping a full Isreali invasion, especially if they are committed to the genocidal tactics they are using in Gaza. Iran would continue to remain relatively unbloodied and let their poxies die.
Meh, you can stop in Durham at least…keepin’ it dirty.
Looks at the current SCOTUS roster, notices both Alito was appointed to the court in 2006, and Thomas was appointed in 1995 (after a huge sexual harassment fiasco no one seems to ever bring up any more). Finds their records are even worse than the Trump appointments.
Nope, sorry doesn’t line up…
The gross politics of the GOP started with Nixon, and was driven to overtime after they lost power when Clinton took office by Rush Limbaugh, Murdock, and the like. That was the real turning point. Where we are is a progression to the GOP going more and more radical, but the seeds were always there. Honestly, I think Roe stood for so long because they weren’t stupid enough to actually appeal it back then.
As someone with a BFA (without debt), no those are mostly the ones working at Starbucks, or taught themselves coding or webdesign after graduation. These are the nepobabies who can actually afford to attempt an art career.
I mean, I didn’t say she was good to be in power …just that she was a woman…
She’s not a woman because she is a fascist?
And thank you for accepting criticism on the internet! I think I might really like being on lemmy! I do see where your thinking was there, though.
I agree with the majority of what you are saying, but stating either the USSR or China had a foundation as a republic I would say is a gross mischaracterization, as supreme power within these states were held by the “communist” party, and not the people. Authoritarian regiems may play at calling themselves republics or democracies, but this should never be given credence.
I think authoritarian states typically get mislabeled very easily within modern times, especially by themselves. Some precedent I believe should exist for what I would loosely call “Stalinist” Communism, as that is what has been the most historical application of the term. But the modern Chinese state I believe would make Mao, Lenin, and even Stalin roll around in their graves by being considered Communist, and we should call a spade a spade. China is a fascist country now.
I would argue that China has implemented a one-party fascist system, as the major ideal of communism is the economic side. They have embraced capitalism, be it under the shadow of the authoritarian government, it is capitalism none the less…
From my understanding, this is different then communist states such as Cuba and North Korea, as the large majority of their means of production are still 100% state owned.
Huh…I’m up to 15 jobs at 44. Really happy with my current so hopefully will be here a while.