You’re so much more aware of your surroundings when walking or biking.
You’re so much more aware of your surroundings when walking or biking.
Greenland, even though Denmark is blue.
And they’re guaranteeing this super affordable public housing all while under a comprehensive trade embargo for 60+ years imposed by the most powerful nation there is, who also happens to be their neighbor.
Never believe that housing “needs” to be expensive, it’s 100% a decision made by people who profit from it.
especially the “investors”
There was this study where they asked a theater full of women to rate the attractiveness of men, based on a photo and a profession. Then they changed all the professions (but kept the same photos) and did it again.
The same picture with a higher-paying job was rated significantly higher.
That’s amazing, gotta love strange cats.
Those really look like opposable thumbs.
Teslas are so bad for this, that whole “all the controls are on a big ipad” setup should be illegal.
I didn’t read too far, but,
To restrict car manufacturers and other companies from selling consumer car-related data, increase transparency regarding data practices, and for other purposes.
already skips over collecting the data, so yeah. I would guess this bill just exists for the optics, and isn’t actually intended to challenge the industry.
I can’t trust a car no matter how Japanese it is, but… I watched a lil docuseries on dangerous roads, and it seemed like at least 80% of the vehicles (outside of heavy trucks) were Toyota. I dunno if it’s because they’re the most reliable, or because Toyota just has the market in many of these developing countries, but it was interesting.
One time they told me I had 3 days left to enjoy YouTube with my ad blocker, and then I would have to buy premium, or they would just lock me out of the site. I was like “welp, it had a good run, I guess that’s it for ol’ YouTube.”
But then the 3 days went buy and nothing ever came of it.
That tactic probably did get them some preemptive subscriptions though, unfortunately.
Yeh, if I ever see my TV’s OS I’m like “fuck off! HDMI4!”
I’m sure they’ll find something even more problematic to dump money into sooner or later.
Of course it’s not only ai, but the article’s subhead: “Statistics raise concerns that rise in demand for data processing driven by AI could derail climate targets”
Can we just cancel the whole “ai” thing? It was fun for a bit, now it’s just problems.
“any flavour you like, as long as it’s swamp water!”
Tons of young male characters are voiced by women. I’m curious which anime you’re referring to though.
For the good of everyone, except the ones who are dead. 🤪
Yes good point… naturally “guzzling resources at planet eating rates” is quite expensive.
If voting could dethrone the wealthy, they wouldn’t let us do it.