on the web version, i switch it from posts to comments view and i get a feed of the comments as they’re made; that’s kinda feed like to me.
on the web version, i switch it from posts to comments view and i get a feed of the comments as they’re made; that’s kinda feed like to me.
i use the web version on both my phone on my computers; both on firefox.
what’s racoon?
i’m convinced that this is one of the bellweathers for ww3; if china’s semiconductor industry is allowed to attain dominance by the united states; it would be clearest sign of the american empires decline.
in the future: i doubt very much that the american empire would take kindly to asml placing upon the same restrictions that the american’s forced them to place on china.
i’m glad you made me look this up; i just learned that i’ve reached the age where the 90’s and the 00’s have merged together in my memory, but i suppose it’s a good thing that those decades were so much less traumatic than the 80’s that they no longer stick out in my mind.
anyways, here you go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_United_States_immigration_reform_protests#Role_of_Spanish-language_media_and_religious_leaders
be rich if you do this, when piolin did this back in the 90’s on his radio show they came after him hard and; if he hadn’t been rich enough to afford the finest lawyers; he would be in prison today.
back in the day, if a guy said he was packin’ a heater, he wasn’t talkin’ about stayin’ warm—unless you count the kinda warmth that leaves smoke comin’ outta a guy’s chest.
this one’s so clear that even my autistic ass picked up on it. lol
you need to get yours fixed.
that’s the price you pay for crackin’ down on the workin’ man and chasin’ skirts like a two-bit romeo with a death wish. Trust me, pal—goin’ after men is like findin’ a loaded heater in a dark alley: it’s faster, it’s cleaner, and nine times outta ten, it won’t leave you bleedin’ out in some gutter wonderin’ where it all went wrong.
it worked out okay for him in the end since he got married and had children (and grandchildren) and he also got his citizenship back after a couple of decades of trying; but remained in mexico until his death a few years later.
i always used to think that it was odd that my grandfather’s cousin’s english was so good for a mexican, but never questioned it; i found about 2 weeks ago (and almost 35 years after his death) that the was born and raised in los angeles, but was forcibly deported to mexico the last time the united states did mass deportations like they’re doing right now. he lived out the rest of his life in mexico and most of my cousins had no idea, go figure.
the city was a mean old broad, and so was my sunday. me and some guy—just another lost soul killing time—went out for brunch, the kind where they serve regret on a plate and charge extra for the privilege. then we pounded pavement, drifting through stores like ghosts with empty pockets. didn’t buy a damn thing. just left fingerprints on glass cases full of things we’d never own.
this week, i’m back in the grind, punching the clock like a sap, sticking to business hours because that’s when they let you work. last job didn’t care when you worked, just that you got it done. back then, i was a king, a labor aristocrat, calling my own shots. now? just another stiff pulling the national average, watching the dream shrink in the rearview. but at least i got a union now, a real-deal pension, not some flimsy 401(k) scam dressed up like security. something about that makes me sleep easier—like knowing i’ll get a coffin with my name on it instead of a cardboard box.
next week, though? next week, i hit the bars, where the drinks are stiff and the men are softer than they look. i’ll be cruising, playing the angles, maybe bringing two, maybe three back to my place for a little midnight symphony. if the whiskey flows right and the neon hums just so, i might even call it a perfect night.
It depends on how valuable your organization thinks you are; I used to work for a faang company and I got to experience this 2x and the person doing it faced no repercussions since they were well known rockstar software engineers.
did you forget to add your comment?
yes, exhaust all of the the other troubleshooting advice that the others gave you in this post before going down this rabbit hole; i only suggested it because it worked for me the last time i used gentoo, in my example.
it’s funny that you’re using gentoo and want to avoid recompiling since the last time i used gentoo was on a single core, first generation imac and it literally took me 3 days to compile the kernel along with the drivers that i needed to get the apple/ppc architecture to work correctly
it got so hot that i couldn’t even touch it for another day. lol
does your router have logs and are you able to see the authentication requests or connection attempts? (you could also try setting up another ap with the same bssid and settings to see if it also ignores that too).
without that and in your shoes; i would exactly duplicate the configuration and versions of your networking stack in your gentoo configuration; everything from the exact kernel version, to the module & firmware version; and onto the nmcli version and configuration. i would even compile the module along with the kernel if that’s what the live fedora was using.
i trust that the check for my consultation fee is in the mail? lol
in that case you’ll probably be fine and powershell will help you get that key; i think someone else shared the commands in this post.
if your windows is an oem license that came with the laptop; then it’s tied to the hardware and they probably won’t let you re-use it for your vm; but i remember seeing some claims online that they’ve figure out ways around it.
What do you see?