That Community-scripts seems to come off as some sort of Proxmox association, but I can’t see anything official. Maybe Tteck is endorsing it, but it’s not clear either.
Keep in mind that running scripts, especially curl-bash pipes, has a huge security risk as anything can be substituted in the scripts or the dependencies they call. No clue who MickLesk is and not saying they’re good, bad or indifferent. But there is no reputation there and caution should be exercised.
Well, that’s a new development. That used to be the go-to method they pushed. Thanks for pointing that out.
As for Docker Desktop being the top option, it would only be used for a “development environment” because why would you install that on a headless docker host for production? And after the horror stories I’ve heard of Windows and Mac versions of Docker Desktop, there isn’t a chance in hell I’d use it anyway.
So yes, going forward it looks like adding the repos and apt-get install are the way to go. Except, the convenience script was so… convenient.