I don’t want to disappoint gay guys.
Gents, this is not for you; it’s for her. 🙂
Vim/Neovim and Spacemacs (Emacs) are so much more addictive than NPP.
That’s cool if NPP is OP’s thing, but there are quite a few text editors which check those boxes in the *nix world.
It is, which is rather annoying.
I should spend some more time with the FOSS forges, but bare git works for me when I’m self-hosting my own repos.
The workflow is also kind of obtuse.
FD: I prefer GitLab between the two.
It’s possible. That’s basically web scraping.
So this is how the tech dark ages start. The last 40yrs are erased, and we end up back in 1979 where everyone is selling a tech stack and nothing is compatible.
Rebuilding around something which isn’t C would be a bright side.
Qualcomm buying Intel would be a top 3 worst case. Broadcom or Marvel would be the other two.
Some funny scenarios: Nvidia buys Intel, IBM buys Intel, Apple buys Intel.
You’re not participating in the capitalist system. You need a mortgage and credit card debt.
JetBrains Rider is probably the best C# IDE for Linux, and MS ported .NET server stuff a while ago.
I’m not sure about C# GUI toolkits on Linux. WPF isn’t there, and I’m not sure how mature Maui is on Linux.
The post is about the genocide of Native Americans. Natives originally lived in the Midwest, and now they don’t.
Also, Indiana is the only state to be taken over by the KKK, and the North was racist in its own way.
Exactly. He “stole” millions from companies stealing billions, and thus was eaten.
Does the FSB have the good toilet paper?
That would be helpful.
They probably have turned over logs because legal persuasion, and it sounds like they anticipated that. Moxie has been around the cypherpunk scene for a while, so they knew what they’re doing.
Plus the paper on the double ratchet algorithm is out there. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_Ratchet_Algorithm
Signal uses Google Cloud Platform for their servers, for one.
Then I think it’s something to do with metadata.
Sites are much more contained now. Is much more like a profile per site.
Container tabs are still a thing in FF. This is based on that work, if I remember correctly.
😂 I didn’t notice the last time they had a nation wide outage either.
While at the sametime being a gross person.
Debian in WSL is my single favorite thing about Windows work laptop. Real tools! 😃
I’m back on windows for work after a decade away, and all the reasons I left are still there. The tools are still lacking, the layout is non-sensical, prototyping requires expensive subscriptions, and it’s not designed to get work done.
*nixes and macOS, to a lesser extent, are much nicer. The *nixes are designed to get work done. I have my gripes, but good lord they’re small comparatively.