Yeah bud I am a specialty nurse for disabled pediatrics, I don’t have a bullshit job. Maybe what you said applies to someone else.
Yeah bud I am a specialty nurse for disabled pediatrics, I don’t have a bullshit job. Maybe what you said applies to someone else.
Yeah I really can’t do purposeless living. I would get depressed in like a week. The content of my work gives me purpose. Those are great hobbies, I enguage with many of them, but none of them would be fulfilling without a purpose beyond them.
You tell 'em Monkey-Barbie-Squidward
Covid quarantines and stuff were so boring that everything I normally enjoyed became boring also. I learned that if I don’t have something to break up time between leisure activities I’ll get tired of them. I work, and it isn’t the pinnacle of existence, but what I like to do when I am not working feels better or atleast stays as good.
What? I literally did not say anything about a lack of hobbies. Well, if jumping to conclusions works for you I’ll reserve my judgement.
It was rumored Socrates could normal summon Dark Magician without tributing.
Dang, I have to get the bees again…
I watched that Coyote whatever his name was that gets bit by bugs on purpose, but then he click baited me and didn’t get bit one video. It was a short and sweet relationship and it could have kept going if he just let the bug bite him a little bit.
So just humans and ghosts with wifi then.
You ever wonder if your spoon-dimension self can pull you in and switch places and then you are stuck in the spoon dimension and the only other things there are things the spoon is currently reflecting. Then you have to wait for you spoon dimension Doppelganger to let its guard down while eating cereal to have a chance at switching back but it waited for decades to get out and is already keen to your tricks.
I don’t get it. You do the same job for 40 years? Or is the issue having something to do for 40 years? I would be so bored without a job - actually I still get bored with a job and can’t imagine what I would do with even less on my plate.
I am having a hard time understanding the CGI picture. Is she holding something brown in front of her or is like a potato emerging from her torso?
One of them is planning on fish for dinner
The other is planning on fisherman for dinner.
Bro… It looks like you are already at the “this drug I take has magic properties” part with talking about time dilation and mental hard resets. So, I hope getting up is easy when you fall down.
The dong protector/ lemon zester is always my favorite piece because it can obviously fill both roles at the same time.
I know DXM use and abuse is effective in preventing a strong career and stable life. That cough suppressant was actually an Air Force career suppressant for a dude I used to know.
A virtual version of the museum in 2029? What would be the point in going? I can look at a picture of a picture on the internet for free.
Maybe I said what I said a little too defensively. I don’t want to downplay the quality of what you might have to say on the topic, however, I feel like the r/antiwork dog walkers are upset with me for liking work. I may not be in the most receptive of places at the moment.