• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023


  • U can make any common practice and pillar of capitalism sound bad by using the words impressionable and extremist.

    If we remove that it become: funnelling a market towards the further consumption of your product. I.e. marketing

    And yes of cause the platforms are designed to be addictive and are effective at indoctranation but why is that only a problem for certain ideologies shouldnt we be stopping all ideologies from practicing indoctranation of impressionable people should we not be guiding people to as many viewpoints as possible to teach them to think not to swallow someone elses ideas and spew them back out.

    I blame Henry Ford for this whole clusterfuck he lobbied the education system to manufacture an obedient consumer market and working class that doesnt think for itself but simply swallows what its told. The education system is the problem anything else is treating the symptoms not the disease.

  • I been thinking about the concept and i dont see why one couldnt build a descentralised network where u pay/get paid per gb every gb someone transfers is a some amount if money that gets split equally among everyone to transfered part of the data. U would have to solve all the problems of people gaming the system ensuring all parties get paid aproprietly without tracing every single packet and undermining privacy.

    I recon it would be a legitimate and usfull use of crypocurrency. It would also kill monopolies and seriously fuck with government spying operations since there is now nolonger a single place the cia can put a magic black box and collect everything.