I remember getting stuck on Myst trying to light a fire. I kept sticking the match in and it kept not working. Got very frustrated. Took way too long to realize I had never actually struck the damn thing.
Well we’re not praising fascism and corruption.
The Fast franchise really peaked at The Furious 39
It’s almost like the pay and benefits are attractive enough to bring in qualified applicants.
When exactly did you think immaturity would be surpassed?
Neo liberal, but yes.
I just use my phone until it either breaks or can’t do what I want it to do.
Since having kids they break more often.
Rick and Morty was pretty damn huge for a minute there. Think you’re underestimating it’s impact.
Horse girls can riiiiide.
Wild shit happens all the time somewhere. But before the internet your sample size was small and you didn’t see it. Now you see anything you want.
Kill all humans
I would rip em up as a kid all the time.