First world countries will be scrambling to replace their high tech industries as China eats their lunch.
First world countries will be scrambling to replace their high tech industries as China eats their lunch.
Read project 2025, it views India as the most aggregious.
Which has the highest tariffs.
The 2% inflation target that excludes all investments you mean, so that we must consume more every year otherwise interest rates collapse and we gush out money like a sprinkler, as the rich load up on debt to short cash with their ever inflating collateral while gold and houses rise 10% a year.
Ho does one even use mastadon, it seems to require a login on every instance?
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Project 2025. The goal is to remove all tariffs and other limitations against the US.
Canada for instance has laws on antibiotics for dairy, foreign ownership for banks and telcos, various things like that. India has tariffs on everything.
The document outlines crazy things like capital punishment and a border wall, its clearly Trumps handbook. It’s all in there.
Because the rich don’t affect much in our current monetary policy, its the velocity of money that matters rather than the quantity.
If they start buying out every grocery store then prices rise, interest rates rise, and their asset prices fall.
Its the central bank that debases your salary though, making it buy less and forcing a wall of debt to gatekeep your housing.
Reddit used to be good, now its just another app nag whore.
I figured maybe it was an infograph screen in the game or something.
I can’t use my Browser without it being created by a tech giant, cant use my new computer without having my software uefi signed by Microsoft, AI will soon need me to have my GPU licensed and registered.
The world is heading to crap.
Can someone explain what the picture is from?
I know its megaman, but why?
Because investors expect it, whether it generates profit or not. I guess we will see how it changes workflows, or whether people continue to do things like they always have.
Elon Musk will be regarded with the likes of Leonardo da Vinci and Louis Pasteur in the history books.
But I want mine to have a goatee, why doesn’t apple give iPhone a goatee?
I hope they don’t have access to a cloud computing provider somewhere, otherwise this is going to be a tough thing to enforce without a great firewall larger than China has.
It will be hilarious to see them attempt it though.
Same with misinformation. Where anything they disagree with, in good faith or not, is misinformation.
You can download the models and compile them yourself, that will be as effective as the US government was at banning encryption.
Like a PRISM for China, is every powerful country just backdooring each other?