Hideo Kojima is 61 years old. How old is that picture!?
Well he’s Japanese, so between 0 and 31 I guess.
At least 61 days.
Something tells me that unlike every other role where he makes people jump through hoops every game regardless of how many decades they’ve voiced the same character, he did not make Hideo Kojima audition for the voice.
I’m not bitter or anything, why do you ask?
They could just recast you with someone in Canada for the sequel so they can pay them a non-union rate.
I’m not bitter either.
I’ve decided to believe that there was a grueling audition process and he ultimately had to go forward with his second choice.
Their first choice was Tiny Tim iirc
He probably just wants to avoid being typecast
Little too late for that…
Hideo Kojima is so huge, that this turns him negative.
-1 Kojima = infinite Kojima
Swimming pool level deep end deep?
You’re welcome
Thanks for clarification
I tried to find the source but the account is suspended lol