“Medieval armies didn’t use crossbows when attacking castles.”
My hand immediately shot up. “What are you talking about? Of course they did.”
My elderly history teacher replied “no, they didn’t.”
Me “Why do you think that?”
Her “because crossbows fire in a straight line so they would just shoot over the castle.”
I looked at my classmates, hoping they would see how insane this is. They were looking at me like I grew a second head.
Me “that’s not true. At all.”
Her, getting slightly annoyed, “how do you know?”
Me “well for one, I’ve fired a crossbow, I know how they work. For two, they had GRAVITY BACK THEN, the bolt comes back down!”
Her, and some of the class “ooooh!”
Her “well anyway…” And continues the lesson.
This was a college class.
“I think you’ll find that crossbows are a hitscan weapon 😏”
Did she think the arrow would just… fly in space for all eternity and never come down or something?
Yes, apparently.
I’m reading this and think, “Oh man… I wish I had shot a cross bow in 4th grade.”
This was a college class.
Ugh. Wait! Do 4th graders go to college… No. No they don’t.
Well, I grew up doing medieval reenactment so my crossbow experience was from about the 4th grade, so there’s that.
LOL, show her 300.
“We will fight in the shade!”
Lmao I guess nobody uses guns to take a fortress either.
They at least sound chiller than the people in the other examples.
I think it was the senility and the tenure
“Respect your elders, because they are always right”
alt text
Post by stimmyabby:
Sometimes people use “respect” to mean “treating someone like a person” and sometimes they use “respect” to mean “treating someone like an authority”
and sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say “if you won’t respect me I won’t respect you” and they mean “if you won’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a person”
and they think they’re being fair but they aren’t, and it’s not okay.
End of post.
Reply post by do-as-youre-told:
This is so well put I am stunned
Source: flyingpurplepizzaeater
End of reply post.
You won’t always have a calculator with you.
They used to deliver this line with so much sass
I was told this while wearing a calculator watch.
i wonder if this ever keeps any math teachers up at night. how wrong they were about this
I’m in first year of university and we use calculator for everything except math, but math we do is actually easy that you don’t need calculator.
I was carrying not one but two programmable Casio GFX 9850 graphics calculators with me pretty much all the time. You could write some kind of Basic-ish code on these things. Neat machines, considering their age.
Can play games on them to, including clones of pacman, Doom, Super Mario land and pong.
Yeah, we wrote a racer game for that thing. Loved it!
My class was repeatedly threatened for using more than one finger on a calculator to solve chemistry equations. “If I see those Nintendo thumbs…”
Yeah, this line survived a lot longer than it should have.
Yes, I’m currently typing on a device that can function as a calculator
Maths teachers should really be saying that they’re teaching us how to do maths on a calculator
I’m horrible at maths though probably because of my autism spectrum disorder
I’ve only improved in areas of maths where I’ve self taught myself mental shortcuts to do it in my head
School helped somewhat with the Autism accommodations here in Australia but not that much, I find making my own accommodations and self teaching myself years later is way better than the accommodations provided by my school
They really should take student feedback in a lot more
“With a mind like yours, you’re going to have no problem getting ahead in life”
What was the holdup that ended up preventing you from getting ahead?
Cripling anxiety and despair.
I’m here for you. I can relate to that.
Subconscious self-loathing as a result of trying to memory hole something evil I did when very young.
Also a desperate reliance on others’ praise and approval due to emotional abuse from my mother.
A warped model of accomplishment resulting from all the praise I got for easily mastering concepts, coupled with vicious gaslighting and moral attacks I suffered whenever I strove for something difficult.
And many other things which I’m just starting to uncover.
I kind of feel like a programmer sleuthing out bugs in a product, but while I spend time sleuthing out the cause of my product not working, the trade show is half over.
Not very important but I remember it strangely well.
I was 8 years old. My teacher asked “What is one hundred times one hundred?”
I raised my hand and said “Ten thousand!”
“No, it’s one thousand. Ten times ten is one hundred, and one hundred times one hundred is one thousand.”
“But… It’s ten thousand. Can I show you on a calculator?”
“No! Sit down, it’s one thousand. I’m the teacher, I should know.”
I later got a calculator and showed her and she didn’t apologise.
If she was the math teacher, that should cost her the role.
If you remember this the next time we loop around, ask her what 100 times 10 is supposed to be then.
I had a Mormon science teacher who told us that there was a giant planet in the middle of the universe that astronomers could see and that was where god lived I never believed anything he said after that
Were they Mormon? Scientologist?
There is no such thing as negative numbers. “How do you take 5 apples from 3 when there are only 3 apples?” This was in elementary school in Wisconsin. The temperature regularly goes below zero. Pointing this out got me time in the corner. I’m still kinda salty about that.
He was so scared of negative numbers he would stop at nothing to avoid them.
When you say “in the corner”, I’m guessing this was one of those really, really old small schools you’d see in Little House on the Prairie.
There’s checks and balances in our government
I mean, there are, but they don’t always work, if ever.
There used to be. The checks and balances have basically been eroded to nothing.
The checks are going to Musk and cronies and the balances are in the spreadsheets and databases.
deleted by creator
Don’t think you don’t amount to anything. You come off as a nice person, the best kind of person. I think of it like this; if you were a loser (and you’re not), those two are cheaters. One’s biggest fear should be becoming “professionals” like them.
You should be enjoying the school years cause they’ll be the best of your life. Said by someone who very obviously peaked in high school.
School was hell for me compared to other things.
Best in that you don’t have adult responsibilities.
To be fair, there seems to be a lot of people who think childhood was the best time of their life. I’m ~50 and I think life was best in my 30s, but it’s still pretty great now also. Childhood, and highschool in particular, were the worst.
IDK being a kid was fun. Being an adult is more work.
We were in late high school, it’s not like we had no responsibilities. Pretty much every year after that has been better than middle/high school for me.
They were kind of right and really wrong.
Im 40 and married now… remember how nervous tou were just trying to talk to someone you had a crush on? That level of “Powerline up the ass” intensity of feelings?
Yeah these days, firstly if I’m ever single again shit has gone seriously sideways… But I could without a sense of trepidation walk up to Charlize Theron in a coffee shop, tell her how amazing she was in Aeon flux, ask her how she got involved in executive producing Hyperdrive for netflix and then ask her if she would like to grab dinner sometime. Because these days you have to really go some lengths to get a rise out of me.
In 8th grade my family had to leave my home state of wisconsin to be in Mt.Ida, Arkansas for 9 months or so. During that time I had to attend the local public school and I remember the science teacher saying “matter cannot be created nor destroyed.” I’ve always loved science and was a huge nerd during that awkward time in my life and I knew well it was ENERGY and figured she just said it by accident. Easy mistake. I said that it was energy, not matter, that can’t be created nor destroyed and she argued with me and was dead serious when she insisted it was indeed matter.
I said something along the lines of hydrogen turning to helium inside the sun, and wouldn’t ya know it, she didn’t believe the universe was old enough for that to be true and only god can create matter… Yup, she was a 7-day creationist who wholely belived the universe was 5000 years old teaching science in a public school in bumfuck Arkansas. I gave up and a lot of things she said before finally started making sense but in all the wrong ways.
This bumb bitch was a fundamentalist Christian. The rest of the brief time I was there, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t give two shits about a class that was usually one of my favorites.
We’re so doomed.
Yeah. The sad part is that this was back in 1997. Their public education system is in far worse shape than it was back then. Wisconsin had an excellent and well funded public education system so I went from getting a really good education to about the worst possible you can find in the US. So glad I wasn’t there long. Some of those kids are still there as adults, still holding out for a successful rap career and sending their little shit apples to the same school, repeating the cycle.
I’m guessing she didn’t believe in black holes either, since they destroy matter.
Why do you think black holes destroy matter? There’s an (unproven) argument that they destroy information, but I’ve never heard an argument that they destroy matter.
They don’t “destroy” it per se, but they presumably take the matter out of the universe, which, from the perspective of the universe itself, would effectually be the same thing as destruction.
That’s not at all what a black hole does. The matter is still there, you just can’t get it back out of the hole. There’s is no “removal from the universe”. In fact it still exerts gravitational force. That’s why they’re super massive black holes and just regular black holes.
Pores in latex condoms bigger than the AIDS virus.
Fuck a science class, that motherfucker shouldn’t have been allowed near the school.
Pores in
latexlamb skin condoms bigger than the AIDS virus.That’s probably what they were going for, but you’d think a teacher in that position would check their data if challenged.
For the kids it’s lambskin condoms that have pores larger than HIV
How would they work if they were going to fail at their one job?
Latex condoms have been around longer than the AIDS crisis. They have another job.
The virus simply respects your decision to not want to be infected and doesn’t leave.
We had that taight in our high school too!
(And as a totally unrelated fact I’m sure, our biology teacher was a major figure in our local church and was pro abstinence. Completely unrelated, of course)
I spent first 8 years in a Christian school, took me to adulthood to learn that evolution theory is not just a “unproven hypothesis”
it’s funny how much the scientifically illiterate rag on something because it’s ‘merely’ a theory. they decline to acknowledge it’s the ONLY working theory that explains the fossil record, genetics, heredity etc., and has been proven to accurately predict things over and over again.
I challenge these folks to show me something that works better than evolution to explain all those things, and then it’s a matter of faith or the only reason evolution makes sense is because of the woke agenda educational industrial complex.
fucking chuds.
I’ve seen it go both ways. My best friend and her best friend went to a Catholic school, and they hinted that they did learn about evolution but with no added knowledge external to the few Bible verses that were usable to support evolution because they remotely seemed to point to it (and even then it wasn’t referred to as evolution, just the mutation lineage or something).
That’s strange, because the Catholic Church officially endorses evolution.
Isn’t a single teacher or statement. But how I was generally treated by the institution.
I am somewhere on the spectrum and/or have some kind of learning disability that makes the formal learning environment very hard for me.
I was tested as a kid back in the 80’s, but they said I didn’t score bad enough to be diagnosed and that I was just slow essentially.
So the school system stuck me at a desk in the back corner of the classrooms with a divider between me and the the rest of the room and more or less treated me like a leper.
Whatever the official diagnosis, I ended up getting into computers and turns out I am really good at it. So now I make a six figure income doing something I am interested in.
The experience ingrained in me a deep hatred for formalized education, especially when it comes to my son (who is officially diagnosed as autistic). I have a very hard time taking anything my kids teachers say seriously and as anything more than the rantings of a narrow minded fool. Thankfully, my wife being the wonderful person that she is keeps me in check with that. And reminds me not to think my experience at my backwater school was the norm. And I think she has been right this far thankfully.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
I’m really sorry you went through that and really happy you’ve found success!
We had a teacher that said phones could give you cancer due to radiation and the classic 5G causes X conspiracy theories. Certainly wasn’t the worst teacher imo though.