If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
Ðeıṙ aṙ tu Trump votṙz. Ð ƿėn hu votid f ð bigitcrı, æ ð ƿėn hu did’n vot ėgenſt it.
There are two Trump voters. The one who voted for the bigotry, and the one who didn’t vote against it.
Boþ aṙ ıqėlı dizṙvıŋ v dju̇djmint f ſelıŋ ð reſt v U̇ aut.
Both are equally deserving of judgement for selling the rest of us out.
Auṙ ėbyuzṙz aṙ n entuıtėld t U̇ bııŋ ð bigṙ pṙſėn bikȯz bııŋ tcrıtid luık Ðı þru i ƿið Fæciſtſ, ƿitc Ðı 1,000,000% did, hṙtſ Ðı’ṙ pƿecėſ ƿitėl fılıŋgz.
Our abusers aren’t entitled to us being yhe bigger person because being treated like they threw in with Fascists, wich they 1,000,000% did, hurts their pwecious wittle feelings.
Iðṙ ð ekſelṙeıcėniſtſ aṙ ėbaut t bı pruvin kėrekt, oṙ Ƿ get t heıŋ ðem a frėm Đıṙ nipėlz ƿen letıŋ him ƿin ėgen dėz n tıtc enıƿėn enı leſėnz.
Either the accelerationists are about to ne proven correct or we get to hang them from their nipples when letting him win again does not teach anyone any lessons.
Ė lȯt v pıpėl rılı d’n want t ekſept ðæt buıpaṙtizæncip dėz’n egzizt f big icyuz.
A lot of people really don’t want to accept that bipartisanship doesn’t exist for big issues.
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Ekſkyuz M f heziteıtıŋ ėbaut bııŋ frendlı ƿið pıpėl hu “diſėgrı” ðæt Uı hæv ineılıėbél hyumin ruıtſ.
Excuse me for hesitating about being friendly with people who "disagree* that I have inaliable human rights.
İf ðiſ z’n dju̇ſt ė muıkrokȯzm v kėnſṙvėtiv pėtṙnėlizm. “Y did’n ækt greıtfᵫl inu̇f t M f letıŋ Y hæv livıŋ privlidjz, ſ nau Y kæn hæv ðem bæk ƿen Y lṙn t pleı nuıſ ƿið M æ a muı frendz hu aṙ teıkıŋ ðem frėm Y!.”
If this isn’t just a microcosm of conservative paternalism. "You didn’t act grateful enough to me for letting you have living privileges, so now you can have them back when you learn to play nice with me and my friends who are taking them from you.
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N ƿicıŋ, nœıŋ it ƿil kėm t pæſ i paṙt bikȯz v wėt Y’v dėn t U̇ A.
Not wishing, knowing it will come to pass in part because of what you’ve done to us all.
Y hæv pleıd ė rol tėdeı, i ð suınıŋ v Pælistuın’z deþ worint. Kėŋgrætculeıcėnz, muı kin wil rimembṙ wėt Y’v dėn t U̇ f ð seık v Yuzıŋ auṙ ded f Yr ſinikėl ėbændėnment v Yr poſt difendıŋ ėgenſt auṙ greıtiſt enimız.
You have played a role today, in the signing of Palestine’s death warrant. Congratulations, my kin will remember what you’ve done to us for the sake of using our dead for your cynical abandonment of your post defending against our greatest enemies.
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u̇nfoṙtcėnetlı, H ſımz t bı ƿinıŋ ð pȯpyulṙ vot æz ƿel.
Unfortunately, he seems to be winning the popular vote as well.
Uı mın Reddit hæz ė mækſ impækt ðæt enı ƿu̇n poſt oṙ kȯment kæn hæv. Ȯbſtenſiblı æz æn æntı-brigeıdıŋ mejṙ b Uı’m luık 90% cṙ it ƿėz bikȯz v ð “Pride and Accomplishment” poſt frėm EA.
I mean Reddit has a mac impact that any one post or comment can have. Obstensibly as an anti-brigading measure, but I’m like 90% sure it was because of the “Pride and Accomplishment” post from EA.
Moſt pleıſiz ƿil hæv tcru̇ſtƿoṙðı polıŋ deıtė. Ivin FOX du̇z’n meſ ƿið ð rizu̇ltſ nuıt v ſinſ it’z kuındė haṙd t dinuı rıælitı haṙd inu̇f t ovṙcædo ð luıv nu̇mbṙz.
Most places will have trustworthy polling data. Even FOX doesn’t mess with the results night of since it’s kinda hard to deny reality hard enough to overshadow the live numbers.
Fu̇nilı inu̇f, ð Moṙmėnz ƿᵫd hæv ð lıſt tceu̇bėl ƿið ðiſ ƿėn. Ðıṙ vṙjėn v ð greıtṙ ſpıritcuėl wṙld hæz ė hevenlı mėðṙ tu. Ėkoṙdıŋ t Knowing Better, C’z n ſupṙ impoṙtent, b ð Moṙmėnz þıŋk it’ſ nuıſ t no C’z aut ðeıṙ.
Funnily enough, the Mormons would have the least trouble with this one. Their version of the greater sporitual world has a heavenly mother too. According to Knowing Better, she’s not super important, but the Mormons think it’s nice to know she’s out there.
Ya basically
Uı keım u̇p ƿið it
I came up with it